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Hitoshi Iyatomi
Accepted our journal paper to IEEE Access
Majority or Minority: Data Imbalance Learning Method for Named Entity Recognition
Accepted our paper to PM4LRS workshop at ICLR2024
DM$^2$S$^2$: Deep Multi-Modal Sequence Sets with Hierarchical Modality Attention
Accepted our journal paper to IEEE Access
Making Attention Mechanisms More Robust and Interpretable with Virtual Adversarial Training
Accepted our journal paper to Springer Applied Intelligence journal
Feedback is Needed for Retakes: An Explainable Poor Image Notification Framework for the Visually Impaired
Accepted our paper to IEEE HONET2022
Expressions Causing Differences in Emotion Recognition in Social Networking Service Documents
Accepted our paper to ACM CIKM2022
Ad Creative Discontinuation Prediction with Multi-Modal Multi-Task Neural Survival Networks
Accepted our journal paper to MDPI Applied Sciences journal
Attention Meets Perturbations: Robust and Interpretable Attention with Adversarial Training
Accepted our paper to IEEE Access journal
Making Attention Mechanisms More Robust and Interpretable with Virtual Adversarial Training for Semi-Supervised Text Classification
Text Classification through Glyph-aware Disentangled Character Embedding and Semantic Sub-character Augmentation
Accepted our paper to AACL-IJCNLP2020 SRW
AraDIC: Arabic Document Classification using Image-Based Character Embeddings and Class-Balanced Loss
Accepted our paper to ACL2020 SRW
Image-based Character Embedding for Arabic Document Classification
Honorable Mention in YANS 2019
Image Based Character Embeddings for Arabic Document Classification
Conversion Prediction Using Multi-task Conditional Attention Networks to Support the Creation of Effective Ad Creative
Accepted our paper to ACM KDD2019 Applied Data Science Track
End-to-End Text Classification via Image-based Embedding using Character-level Networks
Skin lesion classification with ensemble of squeeze-and-excitation networks and semi-supervised learning
Accepted our paper to IEEE AIPR2018 Workshop